Friday, April 25, 2014


I believe USA doing the right thing by actively participating in Russia-Ukraine conflict because only USA, as a strong powerful country, can affect Russian illegal movement toward Ukraine. Ukraine is in need of assistance, since it being not able to handle the political and economic crisis affecting the country. Therefore, I completely support the U.S. policy aimed to help Ukraine in distress situation. Here is how USA aid looks like for current moment: they provided a loan of $1billion intended in financing the Government of Ukraine to carry out necessary reforms; the USA sent Treasury Department and USAID technical advisors to improve IMF program; by using Justice Department and FBI, the United states is helping Ukraine recover stolen resources and reduce corruption; also USAID is giving 11.4$ millions to support fair and peaceful election planned on May 25.
            It was significant event when on April 17, 2014 leaders of USA, EU, Ukraine and Russia have gathered in Geneva for snap chat talks on Ukraine's ongoing crisis.
The Geneva meeting agreed on initial specific steps to de-escalate tensions and restore security for all citizens. It has been decided that all sides must avoid any violence, illegal armed groups must be disarmed; all illegally seized buildings must be returned to legitimate owners; all illegally occupied public places in Ukrainian cities and towns must be relinquished.
From day one, the Government of Ukraine started making action according to its commitments.  Ukrainian officials draft law on amnesty; they set up a weapons buy-back program. Furthermore, Prime Minister Yatsenyuk went on live television and committed his government publicly to all of the people of Ukraine to apply comprehensive constitutional reform that will strengthen the powers of the regions.
Unfortunately, Russia has not taken the action to demonstrate its commitment - the east stabilizing. So far, the SMM has reported that the separatists say they have received no messages from Russia indicating they should disarm and leave control of government buildings or public spaces. That’s why, Ukrainian President A. Turchynov ordered to resume anti-terrorist operation in the south-east of the country. Military operation Slovyansk began on April 24. Ukrainian troops supported by armored vehicles, military vehicles and helicopters surrounded the city and began to advance.
            At the same time, Russia began military drills on its border with Ukraine in response to Ukrainian military operations.  U.S. President Barack Obama has accused Russia of non-compliance with the Geneva agreements to resolve the crisis in Ukraine. Obama said that “additional targeted sanctions” against Russia are “ready to go” following consultations with European allies. Obama spoke Friday morning with the leaders of France, Germany, Italy and Britain, who agreed that Russia has not complied with promises it made in a de-escalation agreement last week in Geneva and has “in fact continued to escalate the situation,” the White House said. I absolutely agree with these statements, since Russia has refused to take any step in the right direction.  Not a single Russian official has publicly gone on television in Ukraine and called on the separatists to support the Geneva agreement, to support the stand-down, to give up their weapons, and get out of the Ukrainian buildings.  They have not called on them to engage in that activity. Meanwhile, the tit-for-tat military movements brought the two sides closer to a direct armed confrontation that analysts call one of the most dangerous on European territory since the end of the Cold War.
          Even though, polls data show that most of Americans disapprove USA involvement but trying to ignore the world’s dangers never works for long, and the situation in Ukraine will be harder to deal with the longer strong measures are delayed. Despite the Geneva agreement, the Ukraine situation is heating up every passing day. I strongly believe that the U.S. and Europe should be encouraged to prevent aggressive position of Russia and use any possible sanction to stop the mess. Now, the main problem is not to let forces take over and come up with third world war. I hope this conflict will be resolved peacefully behind the negotiating table, and compromise solutions would be found that satisfying all sides.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Marijuana issue

I agree with Ivan Buckley and his article Pass the Weed. Even thought I am a nonsmoker at all, I strongly believe people should have a legal right to use it.  Marijuana is a very well-known controversial issue in society today and as Ivan said, “the issue of marijuana is one that will never end, also going to be something that stays on this earth forever.” I totally agree with that statement, there is no way marijuana will be stop distributed and be accessible. The only way to control the effect is legalization. Unlikely, this is under heavy criticism due to the stereotypical view.
Also I support Ivan’s opinion that legalizing weed has to be regulated for the tax purposes. If marijuana were legalized, it would bring huge amount of dollars cast to the federal government. Tax revenue generated from marijuana selling would be up to 2-6 billions of $$. As well as it would decrease tax money blown on  law enforcement, court systems and prison expanses for the drug related crime produced by marijuana being illegal.

Author of the article mentioned weed’s medical benefits which is not recent discovery. Some medical literature recommend it’s usage for many different diseases. It includes pain relief, nausea, glaucoma, and movement disability. Today, marijuana already helped to thousands of patients for their sicknesses. This treatment is allowed in twenty states that confess cannabis’ healing properties and legalized its consumption for medical purposes. The map below show states permitting marijuana use for medical and recreational targets.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Russian's invasion

     The political crisis erupted in Ukraine in November, 2013 when the Cabinet announced the suspension of the country's integration with the European Union.  In January, mass protests called "Euromaidan" were held throughout Ukraine and resulted as public street fights and armed clashes. Ukrainian parliament voted to impeach the president, Victor Yanukovych, on February 22, 2014. At the same time, there was a violent seizure of power made by an opposition party. In the environment of the political crisis, Crimean referendum passed a vote with 96 % of the population agreeing to join Russia. At that same time, Russian parliament authorized a law on accession Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol.
     I disagree with Russian methods to take over in Ukraine. First, Crimea’s referendum took place on the territory that had been already occupied by Russian troops and military. According to Putin’s words, the armed forces involvement was introduced as protection of life, liberty, and the health of citizens of Ukraine. He pretended that as a response at the request of the deposed President of Ukraine, Yanukovych. On the day of the referendum Russian flags could be seen waiving on many administrative buildings. Certainly, it set some sort of pressure to people’s choice of the referendum.  Also, the high percentage (96.7 %) of votes for joining Crimea to Russia makes me feel doubtful about its accuracy because Crimea has approximately a 17% native population- Crimean Tatars and 25% regular Ukrainians.
     There are some difficulties that have not been resolved yet before Crimea's annexation. For instance, Russia has no land borders with the peninsula, so it is unclear how Crimea is going to be supplied with food, water and energy resources. Another important question is what currency will be used. As it has been stated, Crimea will be a region with two currencies - the ruble and the hryvnia until 2016. The issue with the minority (Crimean Tatars), who refuse to participate in the referendum due political reasons, is still left unresolved.
     I believe that Crimia’s annexation by Russia can serve as an example which would provocate protests among other countries to separate their territories from the current borders. Several European regions such as Catalonia, Spain; Scotland, UK; Venice, Italy; have expressed their desire to secede and fight for independence. The Italian island of Sardinia is also requesting for referendum. And it is not only about independence — some Italian activist groups urge Rome to sell the Sardinia island to Switzerland, as they believe that the Italian political and administrative system is ineffective to solve the country's problems.
     As for me, it does not seem like Putin is going to be satisfied with just Crimea, he may want continue to occupy other regions of Ukraine under the banner of protection interests of the Russian population. From my perspective, Russians aggressive actions toward Ukraine are linked with a desire to prevent Ukraine's integration with the European Union, and as a result possible accession to NATO. Recent events have shown that Ukraine has favored its choice to Europe, and Russia has fear about that. In my opinion, Russia should not force Ukraine to unite with them, but they have done a gross interference in the internal affairs of another country. It is every nation’s right to decide its own future, although only by political means rather than military force and aggression. We do have examples of countries separating, sometimes peacefully.  Czechoslovakia split in the Czech Republic and Slovakia peacefully; they still trade with each other and share travel rights but they are separate countries. Yugoslavia broke into 5 separate countries not so peacefully but the West supported that break-up. In this way, separation is also a possible solution to the conflict.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Why Is U.S. Internet Speed Slow?

On March 6, 2014 Crooks and Liars political blog published an article titled “Why IsU.S. Internet Speed Slower Than Estonia’s? ” The article is about Internet speed and general telecommunication issues. The author, Susie Madrak, sees a problem in market monopolization, where big companies like Comcast and Time Warner have divided up markets and put themselves in a position where no competition left. And above, they continuously charge customers higher and higher without investment in improving internet technology. Market is not open to completion and it is hard for new competitor to pass barriers to entry.
Author’s argument credibility is accurate and she provides wide evidence of it: “the U.S. ranks a shocking 31st in the world in terms of average speeds of 20.77 Mbps. The leaders in the world are Hong Kong 72.49 Mbps and Singapore on 58.84 Mbps.  Its upload speeds are even worse, globally, the U.S. ranks 42nd with an average upload speed of 6.31 Mbps.” She talks about Korean market organization and being controlled by government. In Korea, the country with the world fastest connections, government furnished with fiber optic cable nationwide under $20 per month.
Susan Madrak's purpose is to demonstrate that dominant companies have obtained the telecommunication market to present to the American people second quality Internet access while the rest of the world leaps ahead.

I absolutely agree with the article. The unknown fact is how government has allowed a few powerful media giants to put profit ahead of the public interest. These titans manipulate the rules, raising prices, and stifling competition. In my opinion, USA has an opportunity to adopt the new wireless technologies and let new invention produce high class speed access.  The fiber is the proper way to go but US cell phone and cable monopolies have no reason to update.

Friday, February 21, 2014

The American Dream is Dead

    The American Dream is different for everyone, though it is most commonly associated with success, freedom, and happiness. The concept of the American Dream seems to have dwindled from where it was in the past few generations. It has gone from success, freedom, and happiness to having lots of money and the nicest possessions.
     On weekend edition on February 7-9, 2014 CounterPunch: "America'sBest Political Newsletter" posted the article “The American Dream is dead” where is author providing strong pessimistic opinion.  He says the dream is a myth.  People discouraged with current situation and have low expectations for better future standards.  People disappointed with the government, with their jobs and miserable salaries, with health care and retirement plan, with hopeless future for their kids, with equivocate US media that owned by 6 giant companies.  No one believes that economic system has right course and next generation will have improved quality of life than our own.  The American people tired of the lies, they voted thinking that their vote mattered and could change the system, although, the whole process is designed to put the wool over people’s eyes and power is just handled from one group of elites to the next behind.  All the productivity profits hold by “moneybags” or divided between “shareholders” instead of going to working people. Less than half - 43% of people suppose that to accomplish the American dream like buying a house is possible in this economy. People live pay check to pay check and consume their savings to meet ends day to day. Two of three Americans displeased with the way income are currently spread in USA compare to 77% that were satisfied in 2002.
      In this article author argues there is no dream left and opportunities vanished. He supports his pessimistic view with polls and data from different sources.  Through the entire report, it is obviously to notice that author is against political bloviating and considers that things are getting worse and worse. He defines Obama and Congress guilty for all of the above mentioned. 

Friday, February 7, 2014

‘Williams,’ the Princess and the Gender Pay Gap

     On Wednesday, February 5th 2014, The New York Times published an article about women average earnings are less than men. A 2011 census report obtained that in 2010 “the earnings of women who worked full time, year-round were 77% of that for men working full time, year-round.” While the pay gap diverged by occupation, women’s median income was lower than men in almost all. Women still can not get out of the social stereotyped jobs such as health aid and childcare jobs.
The researches propose two theories that might explain the gap: gender discrimination and gender varieties in the willingness to negotiate salary, women are generally unenthusiastic to negotiate a starting salary and pay rate.  Even though when work hours, college major, employment sector, practice type and other factors related with pay were adjusted, the pay gap shrinks still occurred.

This article is worth to read because these kinds of inequalities are unfair and unreasonable. Discrimination against women in employment is topic that has long been an issue in society.